Category Archives: WOSC 2021 Congress Moscow
WOSC 18th 2021 Congress publications
All accepted abstracts of registered authors were published in the electronic WOSC2021 Congress book of abstracts.
Selected publications will be invited to submit short chapters for the book: World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics 18. Congress-WOSC2021 Systems approach and cybernetics; engaging for the future of mankind published by Springer Nature.
The WOSC 2021 Keynote recordings can be found in the WOSC YouTube Chanel
After the congress participants can submit papers for special issues of a number of scientific journals. A list of journals under consideration may be found below.
Journal Indexing Editors
- WOSC 2021 Congress book__________________ Espejo, Lepskiy, Perko and Novikov
- Kybernetes JCR Igor Perko
- Systems research and behavioral science JCR Multiple
- Cybernetics and systems JCR Alfonso Reyes, Sandro Schlindwein
- Sustainability (APC: 1800 CHF)JCR Francesco Caputo
- Advances in Systems Science and Applications Scopus Mikhail Goubko
- Systemist Frank Stowel
- Economic Strategies Aleksander Ageev
- Philosophy questions Vladimir Lepskiy