Category Archives: Conferences and Meetings
WOSC 18th 2021 Congress publications
All accepted abstracts of registered authors were published in the electronic WOSC2021 Congress book of abstracts.
Selected publications will be invited to submit short chapters for the book: World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics 18. Congress-WOSC2021 Systems approach and cybernetics; engaging for the future of mankind published by Springer Nature.
The WOSC 2021 Keynote recordings can be found in the WOSC YouTube Chanel
After the congress participants can submit papers for special issues of a number of scientific journals. A list of journals under consideration may be found below.
Journal Indexing Editors
- WOSC 2021 Congress book__________________ Espejo, Lepskiy, Perko and Novikov
- Kybernetes JCR Igor Perko
- Systems research and behavioral science JCR Multiple
- Cybernetics and systems JCR Alfonso Reyes, Sandro Schlindwein
- Sustainability (APC: 1800 CHF)JCR Francesco Caputo
- Advances in Systems Science and Applications Scopus Mikhail Goubko
- Systemist Frank Stowel
- Economic Strategies Aleksander Ageev
- Philosophy questions Vladimir Lepskiy
Governance in the Anthropocene: cybersystemic possibilities? by Ray Ison
eye-opening: The “Anthropocene” is a term formulated by Earth scientists to claim that we have entered a new geological epoch: human influences have become so great that they are affecting “whole Earth dynamics” through a range of biophysical and social … Continue reading
#ISSS2017 Vienna The 61st ISSS World Conference
From Science to Systemic Solutions
Systems Thinking for Everyone
Vienna, Austria 09 -14 July 2017
The World Conference 2017 in Vienna
In July 2017, the International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) invites you to their 61st Annual World Conference (#ISSS2017 Vienna) in co-operation with the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science in Vienna.
Business Systems Laboratory International WORKSHOP
Marketing and Innovation Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) |
September 11-12, 2017, Universitas Mercatorum, Rome, Italy
WOSC 2017 Congress Follow-ups
WOSC 2017 Congress was a great success. Over 170 participants from all over the world discussed on three major themes:
– People, Technology and Governance for Sustainability
– Democracy, interactions, and organisation
– Cyber-systemic thinking, modelling and epistemology
The keynotes speeches have inspired us to rethink our perception of the world and instructed us to use systems thinking in our efforts to understand the society complexity.
The results of the Congress are multiple. Besides from exchanging views on their research achievements, the participants created valuable bonds with their peers. They can multiply their research using several publication outcomes:
The proceedings of the Congress werebe published in the book: Cybernetics and Systems: Social and Business Decisions edited by Sergio Barile, Raul Espejo, Igor Perko, Marialuisa Saviano.
WOSC 2017 related papers were submitted to the following journals.
- Kybernetes with the special issue Cyber-systemic thinking for a smart society
- Futures. The journal of policy, planning and futures studies with the special issue Futures of Society: The Interactions Revolution
- Sustainability Science with the special issue People, Technology and Governance for Sustainability: the contribution of Systems and Cyber-systemic thinking
- Journal of Knowledge Management
- Journal of Management and Governance
Many thanks to all of the highly engaged participants and the organisers, that made the congress possible.
WOSC 2017 Early Bird Registration
In case you are not yet registered, please consider that by registering
before the 15.11.2016, you will benefit from the early bird discount.
To participate in the WOSC 2017, please login at: and complete the Congress registration process.
Being able to govern and accept being governed in a democracy
This, year, in order to celebrate its 10th anniversary, the non-profit association “Systèmes & Organisations” (S&O) organizes a symposium entitled: Being able to govern and accept being governed in a democracy: how systemic thought can help us acting? This event purports to be a sharing time open to anyone: private individuals, researchers, essayists, students, associations, institutions, labor unions, politics,… regardless of their function and status (actives, retirees, job seekers,…).
Art of governing in keeping with differences, democracy can be defined through citizen confidence in their governments and through the division of powers (or the absence of an absolute centralized power).
At a time when tragic upheavals shake societies up, it seems relevant to wonder about the challenge that democracy has to face: that of leading the conflict in the frontiers of ideas and not in the frontiers of weapons and elevating the debate to avoid simplistic shortcuts and a communitarian attitude.
The non-profit association “Système & Organisations” will tackle this thorny and constantly moving theme that democratic governance is. The ambition of this symposium is to give a cross disciplinary perspective which outshines confessional and political cleavages as well as a large range of contradictions engendered by polar thinking. The systemic eye doesn’t priory aim specialists: it is more of a contrasting perspective accessible to the greatest possible number of people.
The Systemic Thought describes multiples and complex interactions that individuals – and groups of individuals – from different backgrounds develop. It deciphers implicit principles about relationships and tensions resulting from it, in order to overcome misunderstandings.
The democratic system is not simple: a systemic eye complies with its complexity and helps to understand better the world we live in.
The expression “Being able to govern and accept being governed” questions the double requirements of a democratic system: citizens must have a panel of appropriate knowledge and behaviors in order to exert governance, while these same citizens delegate this power to those elected to represent them. Through the questions it reveals, can systemic thought and the eye and tools it provides, help us to decide to act?
The contributions to the symposium demos 16 can come from a large number of mobilized disciplines around the action, the decision making and the analysis of human societies’ governances systems.
The propositions fall within the scope of several issues including:
- What would be the roles and the relevant forms of communication politics use?
- Do the media have a pedagogical role to play?
- How to develop public spaces where citizens needs can be expressed?
- How could school help integrating systemic paradigm?
- How to include specialists’ expertise in a global and cross disciplinary vision?
- Do companies have to adopt democratic principles? In which forms?
- What are the roles of academia?
- What is the place that democracy occupies when it leaves the micro-political, economic and social field to macro one?
- What is the influence of social media on the exercise of democracy?
- What is the role of the environment set by political strategies?
Website :
WOSC 2017 abstract submission deadline extension
Dear Friends and Colleagues
Thanks to all of you who have submitted an abstract to the WOSC 17th Congress. For those who were not able to hit the August 30th deadline, we have extended it to September 30th. In the meantime, the acceptance process will be in progress and we would appreciate receiving your abstracts as early as possible.
Themes and tracks
Theme1: People, technology and governance for sustainability
- Human aspects of managing systems
- Smartness and sustainability
- Smart technologies and big data
- The Brain of the future
- Governance in the Anthropocene: cybersystemic possibilities
Theme 2: Democracy, interactions and organisation
- Community self-organization
- Democracy and transparency
- Interactions revolution: how to harmonise interactions within and between complex adaptive systems
- Law, commons, social dynamics
- Knowledge to manage the knowledge society: non explicit, non invasive and non directive management
- The role of emergence within organizations
- The role of Higher Education for Sustainable Development
Theme 3: Cyber-systemic thinking, modelling and epistemology
- How can systems thinking help to bring solutions to humankind problems in the 21st century?
- Think outside the box with Systems Dynamics
- Quantum Modelling
- Reflexivity, Second order science, and Context
Submitting an abstract:
Extended abstracts, presented at the congress will be published in the “WOSC 2017 Book of Abstracts”.
In order to submit an extended abstract, authors need to consider Author Guidelines
Refereed Publication of Congress papers
Authors with an accepted abstract will be invited to submit a full research paper and attend the Congress. Papers, presented at the Congress, will be considered for the publication in one of the following journals:
- Kybernetes,
- International Journal of Systems and Society,
- Futures,
- International Journal of Markets and Business Systems
Further leading journals are under consideration for Special Issues. Please, follow updates on the website.
Instructions for full paper submission will be available in Instructions for Full Paper Submissions in the Submission option of the website.
Summary of Congress Schedule
- 25-27 JANUARY 2017: CONGRESS
Please register on
Looking forward to seeing you in Rome,
Professor Raul Espejo
Scientific Director WOSC 2017
Director General of the WOSC
Professor Sergio Barile
Chair WOSC 2017
Sapienza, University of Rome
WOSC 2017 Call for abstracts
Dear Friends and Colleagues
We are happy to invite you to join us at the WOSC 17th Congress:
Science with and for Society –
Contributions of Cybernetics and Systems
WOSC 2017, the 17th Congress of World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics, will offer a space for conversations about social dynamics from a cyber-systemic perspective.
Its realisation is supported by a network of scientists from different parts of the world, which foretells an event more integrated than the usual running of parallel tracks.
The construction of the agenda has been highly participative; efforts have been made to support diversity within the shared thematic of science with and for society. In particular, we want to focus on challenges of the 21st century.
We welcome submissions of abstracts, focused on any of the Congress´s 16 tracks, which have been organised in three themes.
Themes and tracks
Theme1: People, technology and governance for sustainability
Theme 2: Democracy, interactions and organisation
Theme 3: Cyber-systemic thinking, modelling and epistemology
Please register and submit abstract
Looking forward to seeing you in Rome,
Professor Raul Espejo
Scientific Director WOSC 2017
Director General of the WOSC
Professor Sergio Barile
Chair WOSC 2017
Sapienza, University of Rome