KybernetesThe International Journal of Systems & Cybernetics, an official journal of WOSC |
62 Toller Lane, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England BD8 9BY
Magnus Ramage, David Chapman and Chris Bissell
Open University, UK
On Offer:
Kybernetes is a resource for academics, researchers and consultants in cybernetics and systems, knowledge engineers and computer specialists. It is one of the most informative specialist publications in its area. It is a valuable aid to research and a stimulus to exploring the complex interaction between man, machine and environment.
The journal features a section called “Contemporary Systems and Cybernetics” which contains selected reports and surveys of current research and development. Another regular feature is an “Internet Commentary”. The journal also contains a Book Review section (contributed by a team of distinguished reviewers), News, Conferences, Technical Reports, up-to-date Announcements and Special Announcements.
Selected and refereed articles are published on important topics in systems and cybernetics. The “Communications” section allows shorter articles and communications to be published. A section entitled “Forum” allows contributors to present their views on all matters concerning this multidisciplinary field, either as short presentations or as correspondence.
The Norbert Wiener Centenary Award for the authors of the best articles is made in recognition of the excellence of contributions to the journal and to encourage new authors to publish their best work in Kybernetes.
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