Gandolfo Dominici from the Business Systems Laboratory, Italy, has joined WOSC. We welcome him. You can find more information about Gandolfo in our Board and Membership page.
Author Archives: Raul Espejo
EMCSR 2012
The 21st European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research (EMCSR) took place in Vienna from April 10 to April 13, 2012.
The book with the abstracts of the papers presented to this meeting can be downloaded from:
The following papers were delivered in the Symposium “Design and Self-organization in the Emergence of Effective Organizations”, which was organised by WOSC:
Session 1: Paper Presentation
Chair: Raúl Espejo
- Markus Schwaninger: Towards Optimal Organizational Designs, The Fractal Dimension of Self-organizing Systems
- Hans Losscher: Leadership and Chaos Theory
Session 2: Paper Presentation
Chair: Markus Schwaninger
- Penny Hart: Using an interpretivist methodology to investigate knowledge sharing in a research establishment
- Tom Ryan: Working ‘Cybernetically’ at Organizational (Re)design
Session 3: Paper Presentation
Chair: José Perez Rios
- Louis Klein: Narrative Approaches to Organizational Research, Exploring the organisational collage of memetic paradigms
- Helmut Nechansky: Problems of Organizational Cybernetics,beyond Beer’s Viable Systems Model
- Zoraida Mendiwelso-Bendek: Supporting Civil Society’s Self-Organisation
Session 4: Paper Presentation
Chair: Tom Ryan
- José Perez Rios & Xosé Lois Martínez Suárez: An Organizational Cybernetics approach to University Urban Planning
- José Bermeo: Designing an effective conversation in an organization
- Raúl Espejo & David Hooper: Variety Engineering and the Re-structuring of the English National Health Service
Conference in Valencia
An Ecology of Ideas- Meeting of the American Society for Cybernetics
Organised jointly by the American Society for Cybernetics and the Bateson Idea Group, “An Ecology of Ideas” offers a chance to develop ideas that connect to those of Gregory Bateson and his “Ecology of Mind”. Bateson died in 1980, and was one of the widest ranging, deepest and most inclusive thinkers of C20: his work merits re-animation.
The conference brings students of Bateson and of Cybernetics (of which he was a founder) together with a more general public who are intrigued and interested to learn from and extend key concepts of both. To facilitate this, there will be workshops and conversational presentations under the theme headings of Paradigm, Recursion and Praxis.
Asilomar is a State Park and Conference Centre on the Pacific Coast, a site of Architectural excellence, and a place closely associated with Gregory Bateson, and the early years of Cybernetics.
We invite you to explore the website for the conference at
If you are interested to attend, there are a few places still available. Please apply directly from the website for both accommodation and board, and the conference fee:
(The process is a little complex because of various deals that are
If you wish to contact the conference co-ordinator, Dr Pille Bunnell is at
We hope to welcome you there.
Best Wishes,
Ranulph Glanville
President, American Society for Cybernetics.