Launching of WOSC 2014 for Latin-America

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Launching of WOSC 2014 for Latin-America at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia de 14th of October. Event’s language: Spanish. All are welcome.

Lanzamiento de WOSC 2014 en Latinoamerica en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia el 14 de octubre. Evento en Español . Todos son bienvenidos.

Paper Submissions, Publication and Prize

The Congress homepage  gives instructions to upload papers with accepted abstracts. We are pleased to inform that Emerald, publisher of Kybernetes is sponsoring a prize for the best paper (£200 and one year subscription to the journal) and also diploma commendations to three outstanding papers. We have agreed with its editors to publish a double issue of Kybernetes in 2015 with referred papers towards.


Preparations for WOSC 2014 -May 2014

Over the past few months researchers from all over the world have made submissions to participate in WOSC2014. The attached file  Communication 5 WOSC 2014 offers a summary of preparations for this Congress.

Registration form is in

Information about travelling and hotels to attend the Congress can be found in:

Look forward to seeing you in Ibague!


Deadline extension for Submissions to WOSC 2014

By the 31st of March we had a fantastic list of submissions from all over the world. People who made submissions by that deadline will receive, as planned, Notification of Acceptance by the 30th of April . However still we want more submissions and for this second call we have extended the submissions deadline to THE 20TH OF MAY.  For this second call the sooner you make a submission the sooner you will receive a Notification of Acceptance.

PhD course on Cybersemiotics and Transdisciplinarity III

Department of International Business Communication
Doctoral School of Language, Law, Informatics,
Operations Management, Accounting and Culture

PhD course on

Cybersemiotics and Transdisciplinarity III:
Focus on information, biosemiotics, culture and distributed mind

organized by Professor Søren Brier

The course is first of all an explanation and exploration of the integrative transdisciplinary framework Cybersemiotics and how it is carried out in two steps: The first is to accept three major and very different transdisciplinary paradigms as both being legitimate: 1. The cybernetic-informational approach leading to cognitive science’s information processing paradigm, 2. Second order cybernetics, autopoiesis theory and Luhmann’s system science and 3. The Peircean, triadic,  evolutionary, semiotic approach to meaning and its development into modern biosemiotics.

The second step involves explaining the development from first order cybernetics to second order cybernetic and autopoiesis theory from Gregory Bateson through Heinz von Foerster to Maturana and Varela and Spencer Brown to Niklas Luhmann’s threefold autopoietic system theory and discuss how it can be integrated into a Peircean framework encompassing the natural, life, social and human sciences without reducing one to the other. Pierce’s metaphysical view on sciences, philosophy and religion and the nature of reality is also discussed. Participant contribute to the discussions with presentation of their interdisciplinary projects and the problems they face.

The course is organized by Professor Søren Brier (CBS). It contains lectures by Jesper Hoffmeyer, Frederik Stjernfelt, Stephen Cowley, Torkild Thellefsen, Sara Cannizzaro and Kathrine Elizabeth Lorena Johansson and will function in a workshop style.

Read more about the course, lecture plan, reading list and enrollment on the course website: .

Deadline for enrollment: 1 July, 2014.

Further information: Søren Brier,

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WOSC 2014 Call for Abstracts

WOSC 2014

WOSC 16th Congress organised by the Universidad de Ibagué, Colombia and the World
Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics, 15-17 October, 2014

Call for Abstracts

Calls for abstract submissions are open until 31 March 2014.
Please be aware of the time deadlines! Refer to the Congress website:

Submitters will be notified of acceptance or rejection no
later than the 30th of April. The earlier you submit, the earlier you can be
notified, since the review of your abstract is an ongoing process.

Accepted abstracts will be accessible to all authors in the
Make Submission option in the website

For an abstract to be included in the book of abstracts (i.e.
Congress proceedings) one of the authors must attend the conference and present
their work.

This website gives also “Congress Information” and
“Registration” procedure.

Author Guidelines

You need to submit an extended abstract:

• That clearly attempts to discuss aspects of “our
self-organising world: from disruption to reparation” from a systemic
perspective and supported by cybernetic approaches.

• You are requested to use our template to submit the

• The length of the text body of these submissions should be
about 1000 words (2 A4 pages).

• Authors of the extended abstracts should add their bios in
“About the Authors” of the template. The bio of each author shall be about a
100 words.

• Extended abstracts should be submitted via Make Submission

• Authors with accepted abstracts, in order to be considered
for publication in a journal are expected to submit a full paper of about 5000
words by the 30th of September. Instructions for this submission are in
Instructions for Full Paper Submissions in the Registration option of the