About WOSC

The World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics (WOSC) - Organisation Mondiale pour la Systémique et la Cybernétique (OMSC), is an association of individuals and organisations promoting systems thinking and cybernetics worldwide.

WOSC was was founded in 1969, with the desire to support the communication of individuals and organisations related to systems thinking and cybernetics worldwide. To perform its tasks, it is organised as follows:


Prof. Raúl Espejo (UK)

Advisory Board

Director General:

Dr. Igor Perko (Slovenia)

Board of Directors, assisted by the Director-General

Communications between Systems and Cybernetics associations

International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences (IASCYS)
Stuart Umpleby, Raul Espejo, Jose Rios, Matjaž Mulej

American Society for Cybernetics (ASC)
Stuart Umpleby, Allenna Leonard

Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies
Matjaž Mulej

European Union of Systemics (EUS)
Andrée Piecq, Claude Lambert, François Dubois

Association Française de Science des Systèmes (AFSCET)
François Dubois

International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS)
José Pérez Ríos, Ray Ison, Allenna Leonard

UK Cybernetics society
John Beckford, Martin Smith

UK Systems Society (UKSS)
Frank Stowell

System Dynamics Society (SDS)
José Pérez Ríos, Markus Schwaninger

Sociedad Española de Sistemas generales. (SESGES)
José Pérez Ríos

World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF)
José Pérez Ríos

Asociación Latinoamericana de Sistémica (ALAS)
Alfonso Reyes

ELAPDIS - Escuela Latinoamericana de Pensamiento y Diseño Sistémico
Alfonso Reyes

International Federation of Systems Research (IFSR)
Igor Perko, Ray Ison, Louis Klein, Matjaž Mulej

Groupe d’Intervention et de Recherche en Organisation des Systèmes G.I.R.O.S.
Andrée Piecq, Claude Lambert

Systèmes et Organisations – S&O ASBL
Claude Lambert

Business Systems Laboratory (BSLAB)
Gandolfo Dominici

Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Science (CIRRPC)
Vladimir Lepskiy

Complex Human Adaptive Organisations and Systems (CHAOS)
Igor Perko

Kybernetes is the official journal of WOSC.