WOSC 2017 abstract submission deadline extension

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Dear Friends and Colleagues

Thanks to all of you who have submitted an abstract to the WOSC 17th Congress. For those who were not able to hit the August 30th deadline, we have extended it to September 30th. In the meantime, the acceptance process will be in progress and we would appreciate receiving your abstracts as early as possible.

Themes and tracks

Theme1: People, technology and governance for sustainability

  1. Human aspects of managing systems
  2. Smartness and sustainability
  3. Smart technologies and big data
  4. The Brain of the future
  5. Governance in the Anthropocene: cybersystemic possibilities

Theme 2: Democracy, interactions and organisation

  1. Community self-organization
  2. Democracy and transparency
  3. Interactions revolution: how to harmonise interactions within and between complex adaptive systems
  4. Law, commons, social dynamics
  5. Knowledge to manage the knowledge society: non explicit, non invasive and non directive management
  6. The role of emergence within organizations
  7. The role of Higher Education for Sustainable Development

Theme 3: Cyber-systemic thinking, modelling and epistemology

  1. How can systems thinking help to bring solutions to humankind problems in the 21st century?
  2. Think outside the box with Systems Dynamics
  3. Quantum Modelling
  4. Reflexivity, Second order science, and Context

Submitting an abstract:

Extended abstracts, presented at the congress will be published in the “WOSC 2017 Book of Abstracts”.

In order to submit an extended abstract, authors need to consider Author Guidelines

Refereed Publication of Congress papers

Authors with an accepted abstract will be invited to submit a full research paper and attend the Congress. Papers, presented at the Congress, will be considered for the publication in one of the following journals:

Further leading journals are under consideration for Special Issues. Please, follow updates on the website.

Instructions for full paper submission will be available in Instructions for Full Paper Submissions in the Submission option of the website.

Summary of Congress Schedule

  • 25-27 JANUARY 2017: CONGRESS

Please register on http://wosc2017rome.asvsa.org/

Looking forward to seeing you in Rome,

Professor Raul Espejo
Scientific Director WOSC 2017
Director General of the WOSC


Professor Sergio Barile
Chair WOSC 2017
Sapienza, University of Rome

WOSC 2017 Call for abstracts

Dear Friends and Colleagues

We are happy to invite you to join us at the WOSC 17th Congress:

Science with and for Society –

Contributions of Cybernetics and Systems

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WOSC 2017, the 17th Congress of World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics, will offer a space for conversations about social dynamics from a cyber-systemic perspective.

Its realisation is supported by a network of scientists from different parts of the world, which foretells an event more integrated than the usual running of parallel tracks.

The construction of the agenda has been highly participative; efforts have been made to support diversity within the shared thematic of science with and for society. In particular, we want to focus on challenges of the 21st century.

We welcome submissions of abstracts, focused on any of the Congress´s 16 tracks, which have been organised in three themes.

Themes and tracks

Theme1: People, technology and governance for sustainability

Theme 2: Democracy, interactions and organisation

Theme 3: Cyber-systemic thinking, modelling and epistemology

Please register and submit abstract

Looking forward to seeing you in Rome,


Professor Raul Espejo

Scientific Director WOSC 2017
Director General of the WOSC


Professor Sergio Barile

Chair WOSC 2017
Sapienza, University of Rome

The Russian Centre of Interdisciplinary Research of Reflexive Processes and Control joins WOSC

We welcome the Russian “Centre of Interdisciplinary Research of Reflexive Processes and Control of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (CIRRPC)”.

Its main purposes are: Intensification and coordination of scientific research and development connected with a socio-humanistic perspectives of system analysis and control (cybernetics) in the following directions:

  • reflexive processes and control;
  • reflexive mechanisms of control of complexity; philosophical and methodological bases of the third-order cybernetics (post-non classical cybernetics of self-developing reflexive-active environments);
  • integration into the third-order cybernetics of certain areas of modern knowledge (synergetrics, management of complexity, personal knowledge, ethics of strategic subjects, etc.);
  • development of transdisciplinary approach in the context of the third-order cybernetics;
  • development of socio-humanistic technologies of the organization of self-developing reflexive-active environments;

Tasks of the Center

  • organize (time in two years) the international interdisciplinary scientific and practical symposiums “Reflexive Processes and Control” (ten symposiums are organized);
  • publication of the international journal “Reflexive Processes and Control” (it is published since 2001).

Head of the Centre: Vladimir Lepskiy.

It will be an active contributor to WOSC 2017

WOSC 2017 Congress in Rome, Italy

WOSC 2017:

Science with and for Society: Contributions of Cybernetics and Systems

http://wosc2017rome. asvsa.org

The official host of WOSC 2017 is the Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, at the University of La Sapienza.

Professor Sergio Barile is Chair of the Congress and Marialuisa Saviano, Associate Professor of Business Management at the University of Salerno and President of ASVSA (Association for research on Viable Systems) is in charge of the administration.

WOSC, as a world organization, is inviting scientists, policy-makers, professionals and students across the globe to contribute to the debate of the dynamics underpinning contemporary societal problems from a cybersystemic perspective.

As articulated by Prof. Barile:

“Systemic thinking is gradually developing conceptualizations that are outrunning the scope of the so-called formal sciences. It is a response to the reductionism and linearity of much current scientific work and also to the wide spread fragmentation of policy processes and decision making. Enriched by the work of biologists, physicists and mathematicians, and also strengthened by much work in medicine, psychology, economics and sociology, it is producing a veritable paradigm, appropriate to tackle issues both theoretical and operational. Corroborated by the application of related theories, such as those of the “complexity” and “sustainability”, systemic thinking is contributing to a science of organization and governance.

WOSC 2017 is inviting contributions to the debate of “Social dynamics and problem-solving in the 21st Century from a systemic perspective”. These contributions can be related to the different dimensions of an unpredictable world, with unexpected disruptions which demand models with plasticity, able to represent not only the observable phenomena focused on the outcome, but also, and especially, paying attention to the process itself through which the phenomenon is realized. It invites a new perspective of investigation, in which organizational and governance processes are the focal point. Systemic thinking allows observation and comparison among multiple conceptions, ranging from behaviorist to constructivist; from allopoietic to autopoietic; from living to viable; from external observation to participant observation and so on. WOSC 2017 wants opening the debate of scholars from different disciplines and sometimes of opposing positions; it wants refutable contributions able to

enlighten comparisons between the different views, enabling a positive use of each other’s knowledge, and perhaps reaching new shared conceptualizations.”

We will invite submissions to this Congress and inform about its timetable in the near future. Watch this space.

New Board Member: Prof Clas-Otto Wene

We welcome Professor Clas-Otto Wene, from Sweden, to WOSC’s Board.

Clas-Otto Wene is Professor Emeritus at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, where he held the chair of Energy Systems Technology from 1981 until 2000. He has worked 1997-2003 at the International Energy Agency in Paris with issues related to energy technology learning and technology markets. In two periods, 1986-1996 and 2006-2014, he was appointed by the Swedish Government to the National Council for Nuclear Waste. Dr. Wene is also Dozent in Physics at Lund University where he obtained his PhD in nuclear physics in 1974. He received the Lindbohm Award from the Royal Swedish Academy of Science in 1981.

Wene has participated in and led numerous projects involving development and application of energy system models to support decisions in local, regional and national energy systems. . During his stay att IEA he authored Experience Curves for Energy Technology Policy, co-authored Creating Markets for Energy Technologies, and initiated EXCETP, an international network on Experience Curves for Energy Technology Policy. He has also been engaged in front-running projects to link energy technology models to energy-economic models (hardlinking Markal-Macro, softlinking IIASA Message III and ETA-MACRO).

Some recent publications

C.-O. Wene (2015) ,”A cybernetic view on learning curves and energy policy”, Kybernetes, Vol.44 Iss 6/7 pp. 852 – 865.

C.-O. Wene (2015) “Future energy system development depends on past learning opportunities”, WIREs Energy Environ,. doi: 10.1002/wene.172.

C.-O. Wene. (2013), “Learning curves tracing the optimal path for technology learning systems”, Proceedings of the 13th IAEE European Conference, Düsseldorf, 18-21 August,

C.-O. Wene. (2007), “Technology learning systems as non-trivial machines”, Kybernetes, Vol. 36, No.3/4, pp. 348-363.

K.Andersson, B.-M. Drottz-Sjöberg, R. Espejo, P.A. Fleming and C.-O. Wene (2006), ”Models of Transparency and Accountability in the Biotech Age”, Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 45-56..

Course on Social Cybernetics in Lincoln UK

The Social Science Centre, Lincoln is running a module on Social Cybernetics – an approach to effective self-organisation of management and other systems through networks and structures that promote autonomy among actors, leading to identity formation and the co-creation of social value.

The module will be facilitated by Professor Raul Espejo, a world-authority in the field and the current Director-General of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics. Raul was a member of a team in Chile in the 1970s that worked on the Project Cybersyn<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Cybersyn>, and attempt to link socialist planning with technology enabled social communications and policy processes.

The module is free of charge.

The module will begin on Thursday 21st of January from 7-9 pm and then every two weeks until Wednesday the 16th of March. The venue for the module is the Involve Centre, 12 Mint Lane Lincoln LN1 1UD<https://goo.gl/maps/hbehu5g2TMU2>.

If you would like to attend the course please contact info@socialsciencecentre.org.uk<mailto:info@socialsciencecentre.org.uk>


Course outline

Key concepts to explore in the module include:


* Purpose, feedback, homeostasis

* Communications, value-coproduction, eigen behaviours

* Complexity, variety, requisite variety, variety engineering

* Structure, structural recursion

* Organisation, relationships

* Self-organisation

* Self-regulation

* Self-reference and identity

* Social systems, organisational systems and institutions

* Reflexivity

* Power

* Governance

* Cybersyn



The module will be organised around three key readings written by Professor Espejo:

Espejo, Raul. 1994. What is Systemic Thinking? in System Dynamics Review, June 1994 pp199-212

Espejo, Raul. 2014. Cybernetics of Governance: The Cybersyn Project 1971-1973, in Social Systems and Design. Edited by G. S. Metcalf, pp 71-90, Springer: Tokyo, Heidelberg

Espejo, Raul. 2015. Good Cybernetics is a must in Policy Processes. Kybernetes, Vol 44, 6-7, pp 874 – 890


Other key references

Ashby, W. Ross. 1964. An Introduction to Cybernetics. London: Methuen & Co.

Bateson, Gregory. 1973. Steps to an Ecology of Mind. London: Paladin

Beer, Stafford. 1981. Brain of the Firm (2nd edition). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

Beer, Stafford . 1979. Heart of Enterprise. London: John Wiley & Sons.