A view of the plenary sessions at WOSC 2014

The plenary sessions at WOSC 2014 offered varied reflexions of systems thinking and cybernetics. Entrepreneurship, the Cybersyn project and big data, disruptions and reparation of social issues in the light of the Viable System Model, wicked problems, self-organisation, requisite variety, Luhmann’s autopoiesis, second order cybernetics and technology learning, the cybernetics of policy-processes and zero-time cybernetics were topics discussed in these plenaries. The attached document offers a reflection and their summary. They offer much to think about. Reflexions about WOSC 2014 (2)

Aditionally first WOSC 2014 keynote speakers videos are freeely published.

The wicked problems remain wicked: has the craft and science of transforming whole systems moved forward, and how could we do better? Requisite Variety, Autopoiesis, and Self-organization Autopoiesiss